

Use Pinterest to generate interest!

Pinterest is a visually oriented social networking tool. Pinterest was designed for sharing interesting images, events and hobbies but it can also be used as a creative way to promote your business and products. Users can comment, like and repin images. Pinterest’s mission statement is “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting”. Pinterest is another social media tool to have at your disposal, display your business visually and build your online brand.

Here are 5 quick ways to promote your business using Pinterest:

  1. Take high quality interesting images of your products. Think about the background, take the shots in interesting locations or really close up HD images. Images will be seen by the masses, repined and get traffic to site.
  2. Create a book cover pinterest board. Upload a captivating image to the front of your book cover.
  3. Create an event pinboard highlighting attendees and guest speakers.
  4. Promotion of company videos. Show off your products and services. Link these back to your website.
  5. Create a staff board. Let people see your team, their skills and interests. Gives your business a personal touch.

Contact us today for more digital marketing strategies and ways to promote your online presence.


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